Terms and Conditions

The following terms and conditions apply between Borutan, operating under the wholly owned brand Borutan ("Borutan"), and individuals subscribing to one or more of Borutan's services for private individuals ("you/your").

1. General

1.1 Agreement: The Agreement ("Agreement") consists of (i) any specific terms regarding the service concerning prices and other details that Borutan provides to you in connection with your order ("Order Terms"), (ii) the specific terms that apply to ordered services ("Special Terms"), (iii) these general terms, and (iv) the current price list at any given time. In case of any discrepancies in the contract documents, they shall prevail in the following order: 1. Order Terms, 2. Special Terms, 3. General Terms, 4. Current Price List. Information regarding Borutan's handling of your user data is available in our privacy policy on the website (www.borutan.se).

1.2 Regarding payment services, Borutan's Special Terms for payment services apply. Regardless of what is stated in these General Terms or the aforementioned Special Terms, Borutan has no obligation whatsoever to provide payment services to you if Borutan no longer provides payment services in the Swedish market or if Borutan no longer has the authorization to provide payment services. 1.3 The Agreement shall be deemed entered into upon your ordering of the service ("Order"), by completing an order form on Borutan's website. 1.4 At any

2. Right of Withdrawal

2.1 You have the right to withdraw from the Agreement within fourteen (14) days from the day you ordered the service by notifying Borutan via www.borutan.se. Borutan will send a confirmation upon receipt of your notification.

2.2 In accordance with the Distance and Off-Premises Contracts Act, you forfeit your right of withdrawal once you start using the service. By commencing delivery of the service simultaneously with placing the order, you acknowledge that your right of withdrawal has been forfeited and that only Borutan can decide on any exceptions.

2.3 If you wish to exercise your right of withdrawal, you must notify Borutan no later than fourteen (14) days after your withdrawal notification. Borutan will use the same payment method for refunding as you used for the payment.

2.4 Upon withdrawal, you must reimburse Borutan for** (a) any delivery costs beyond standard delivery costs, (b) depreciation of value for any service used beyond what was necessary, and (c) any part of the service performed before you withdrew.

2.5 By entering into the Agreement, you consent that the service may commence during the withdrawal period, and that the right of withdrawal does not apply if the service has been fully performed. You also consent that the right of withdrawal is forfeited if you start using the service, or if the purchase concerns digital content delivered in a manner other than on a physical medium.

3. Borutan reserves the right

3.1 In connection with or after the Agreement has been entered into, conduct a verification of you as a user to determine your financial responsibility, i.e., that you are not under legal age, that you are 18 years or older, and that you have a Swedish personal identification number. If this verification reveals that you do not meet any of these requirements or if there are strong reasons to believe that you will not comply with the terms of the Agreement, Borutan has the right to terminate the Agreement with immediate effect within a reasonable time after the Agreement was entered into. If Borutan terminates the Agreement under this provision, you are not obligated to pay any monthly fees for the service.

4. Order Terms

4.1 The service is deemed delivered from the time of ordering regardless of when the user chooses to start using the service. The delivery time for the service is specified in the Order Terms or the Special Terms.

5. Use of Service

5.1 You are obligated to follow Borutan's instructions and applicable laws and regulations when using the service.

5.2 You are responsible for your use of the service. You may not use the service in any way other than customary or in a manner that causes harm or inconvenience to Borutan or others.

5.3 The service is personal and may not be shared with another individual. Should this be breached, Borutan has the right to terminate the service immediately without notifying the user. 5.4 If you become aware that the service is being used in violation of points 5.1–5.3, you must immediately rectify the situation and inform Borutan of the violation.

6. Quality, Service, and Maintenance of Services

6.1 Information regarding minimum quality, as well as terms for service and maintenance of the services, are specified in the Order Terms and/or the Special Terms for each respective service.

7. Compensation and Payment

7.1 You shall pay Borutan fixed and variable fees as specified in the order terms and/or special terms for each respective service, and according to the current price list, unless otherwise agreed.

7.2 Fixed fees are charged in advance and variable fees are charged retrospectively. Fixed fees are charged monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, or annually depending on the package you have ordered.

7.3 There are three payment options: direct debit from a debit card, direct debit authorization, or invoice payment. It is your responsibility to ensure that your type of payment card is supported.

7.4 Billing normally occurs on a monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, or annual basis depending on the package you have ordered. For invoices, payment must reach the payment provider by the invoice due date.

7.5 In case of late payment, Borutan reserves the right, after notifying you of the delay, to claim due fees and other charges for all services if the delay is significant.

7.6 If you object to a payment within a reasonable time and provide valid reasons for the objection, Borutan shall, upon your request, grant a reasonable extension for the payment of the disputed amount.

8. Errors or Interruptions in Service, Limitation of Liability, etc.

8.1 If the service experiences errors or interruptions preventing you from using it, and the error/interruption is not caused by any circumstances on your side, you have the right to a deduction proportional to the duration of the error or interruption. The deduction is calculated in whole days from the time the error or interruption was reported to Borutan. The deduction equals the fixed fee for the respective service during the duration of the error or interruption, unless otherwise specified in the Special Terms. No deductions below SEK 25 per billing period will be paid out.

8.2 Borutan is liable only for direct damages caused by Borutan or someone for whom Borutan is responsible, through negligence. Borutan is not liable for indirect damages or losses, such as loss of profit or other consequential damages.

8.3 Borutan is exempt from liability for breaches of the agreement caused by events beyond Borutan's control, the consequences of which Borutan could not reasonably have anticipated or avoided, such as war, war-like conditions, explosion, severe weather conditions, general energy shortage, power outage, governmental action or inaction, new or amended legislation, labor disputes, and similar circumstances.

8.4 Borutan has the right, for technical and/or operational reasons, to perform maintenance on the services, the Network, or related equipment. Such actions shall, as far as possible, be scheduled during nighttime to minimize the risk of disruptions. Planned maintenance of this kind does not constitute grounds for compensation under this section 8. You shall be notified in advance of extensive planned maintenance work.

8.5 Your request for compensation under the agreement must be submitted within a reasonable time from the discovery or should have been discovered of the damage. Reasonable time is normally considered to be three (3) months.

9. Term of Agreement and Termination

9.1 The agreement is valid indefinitely and can be terminated at any time without notice period. Termination is done by logging in to borutan.se and clicking on Terminate. The agreement ceases to be valid after the last day of the current period when termination occurs. You pay your fee in advance, which means you will not pay any further fees after terminating the subscription, except for any additional services purchased, which are charged retrospectively. In case of termination by Borutan, you may request it to be done in writing.

9.2 The agreement can also be terminated in writing by contacting customer support at info@borutan.se. Written termination must be received within a reasonable time before the next period is due to allow customer support a reasonable chance to terminate the agreement. A reasonable period in this case is considered to be five (5) working days.

9.3 Even if you terminate the agreement before Borutan has billed the first fee, you are still obligated to pay the mentioned fee.

9.4 Borutan has the right to terminate the agreement, or block certain services or part of, or a certain function of, the service immediately and indefinitely if:

(a) You breach the agreement or use the service in violation of section 6 or cause damage to Borutan or another, or otherwise clearly abuse the service;

(b) You mishandle your payments, commence composition negotiations, enter liquidation, in the inspection under point 3 (which Borutan has the right to perform during the term of the agreement), fail to provide Borutan (with consideration for your use of the service) at any time requested security for the fulfillment of your obligations under the agreement, or

(c) There are strong reasons to believe that you will not fulfill your obligations under the agreement.

9.5 In order for Borutan to block the service due to actual or suspected breach of the agreement, you must first be requested to cease the breach within a reasonable time and be informed that the service may otherwise be blocked. However, this does not apply if you have repeatedly made late payments, in which case Borutan has the right to block the service without providing such notice. To the extent that service is blocked during the term of the agreement, you are not exempt from the obligation to pay during the blocking period.

9.6 Upon termination by your side, you are only entitled to a reduction or refund of the prepaid fixed fee if you terminate the agreement due to Borutan changing the terms of the agreement in a way that you do not accept. The right to reduction or refund does not apply to prepaid fees paid after you have been notified of the change in terms.

9.7 Termination of an agreement regarding one service shall not result in the termination of these general terms regarding other services that you have entered into agreements for.

10. Assignment of Agreement

10.1 Borutan has the right, without your consent, to wholly or partially assign or transfer its rights or obligations under the agreement to another company within the same group or to a third party who, either directly or through a subcontractor, can reasonably be expected to fulfill its obligations under the agreement satisfactorily.

11. Amendment of Terms

Borutan has the right to make changes to the agreement. Changes that are not clearly advantageous to you will be notified to you via SMS and/or email at least one month before the changes take effect. In such case, you have the right to terminate the agreement. If you continue to use the services after the changes take effect, Borutan interprets this as your acceptance of the changes.

12. Notifications

12.1 Notifications related to the agreement shall be made via email or through Borutan’s website.

12.2 An email sent to your specified email address shall be considered received by you on the same day it was sent.

12.3 An SMS sent to the specified phone number shall be considered received by you on the same day it was sent.

12.4 A letter sent to the last known address of the other party shall be considered received by the receiving party on the seventh day after it was sent.

13. Dispute

13.1 Disputes regarding the application or interpretation of the agreement or related issues shall primarily be resolved through negotiation and agreement between the parties.

13.2 Any dispute may be referred to the General Complaints Board (www.arn.se, Kungsholmstorg 5, 101 23 Stockholm). Borutan always follows the recommendations of the General Complaints Board.

  • Contact
  • Info@BoRutan.se
  • Klarabergsviadukten 70,
  • 111 64 Stockholm, Sverige
  • Rolf Wickstrøms vei 15b,
    0484 Oslo, Norge

© BoRutan 2024.